Why The 10/40 Window?
The 10/40 Window is named for a geographic box between 10°N and 40°N Latitude. (A few countries to the north and south that have a high number of unreached people groups are included as well.) Most of the world’s people, most major religious blocks, and most unevangelized people groups are found in the 10/40 Window. Language barriers, cultural and religious barriers, and geographical barriers keep many from ever hearing the name of Jesus.
“A people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside (cross-cultural) assistance." (Source: joshuaproject.net)
2/3 of the world’s population at 5.32 B People
83% of the world’s unreached people groups
8/10 of the world’s poorest people
Top 55 Least Evangelized Countries
45 of the 50 Worst countries for persecution
In spite of all this, the 10/40 Window only receives about 1% of global mission spending.
Because of these great needs, Kingdom Channels is focused on reaching this part of the world. Read our purpose statement here.